The Morges wine producers welcome you to their winemakers family by offering you the opportunity to become the owner of a Morges vine
For CHF 150.- only, you become the proud owner of a vine which will bare your name and be taken care of by your winemaker.
Your chosen winemaker will send you an ownership certificate and for 5 years, a bottle of white wine baring your name will be waiting for you!
Becoming an owner is not only the opportunity for you to offer an original gift, but it is also the opportunity for you to show your support to the Morges region, whose exceptional terroir has been a reference for all informed amateurs.
To become an owner
Vins de Morges
Susanne Hänni
Case postale 72
1110 Morges 1
- Or subscribe online directly

Your potential vine and your potential certificate of ownership
List of the participating wineries
Bolle&Cie – 1110 Morges
Coeytaux Jean-Daniel – 1169 Yens
Château de Colombier – 1114 Colombier
Domaine Henri Cruchon – 1112 Echichens
Domaine Bon Boccard – 1162 St-Prex
Domaine les 3 Terres – 1110 Morges
Domaine des Chentres – 1163 Etoy
Famille Duruz – 1125 Monnaz
Martial Gros – 1112 Echichens
Pellet Luc – 1185 Mont-sur-Rolle
Famille Perey – 1134 Vufflens -le-Châteaux
Domaine des Abbesses – 1026 Echandens
Pernet Felix – 1168 Villars-sous-Yens
Rossier Daniel – 1075 Lavigny
Rossier Jean-David – 1075 Lavigny
Schmidt Jacques et Stéphanie – 1075 Lavigny
Domaine de la Ville de Morges – 1110 Morges
Have a taste of our knowledge and expertise … for 5 more years!
Maintain ownership of your vine for 5 more years.
The Morges wine producers offer to take care of your vine for another 5 years.
Over the next 5 years, your very own annual bottle of wine will be ready for you.
In order to subscribe, please download the document hereafter, and return it by email, fax or post.
Alternatively, you may subscribe directly online.