Discover the wines of Morges!
The Vins de Morges are offering a 5km walk through the Denens vineyards to discover the wines and local produce of the region.Departures are between 10am and 1pm from the main hall in Denens.Once you have your ticket, follow the route through the village and taste the wines of the winegrowers along the way. Each tasting stand will also offer a small snack to accompany your wine.the walk is about 5km long and mainly takes place on vineyard the end of the walk, once back at the starting point, you will be able to find the artisans who were on the route. They’ll be selling refreshments until 7pm. Don’t delay in registering, places are limited!
23 June 2024
10:00 – 19:00
Adults CHF 35
Children (under 16) CHF 15